- International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking
- International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management
- International Journal of Computer Science, Systems Engineering and Information Technology
- International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Newly Added Journals
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shameer receives VLIR Scholarship

Monday, May 03, 2010
Thought For the week
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Newly Added CDs
1.Linux For You. Vol 08, No.02, April 2010
Class No: L 148
2.Linux For You. Vol 08, No.02, April 2010
Class No: L 149
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thought for the week
----St. Clement of Alexandr
Friday, April 23, 2010
Library Visit by Library Science Students from Kannur University
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Newly Added CDs
Following CDs are recently added to the Library Collection.
1. Chip Volume 7 Issue 4 March 2010, Security Apps Pack
Class No :C 100
Class No :J 33
Class No :J 34
Class No :J 35
Class No :J 36
Class No : L 146
Class No :L 147
Class No :D 82
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thought for the week
----Thomas Jefferson
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
New Arrivals List
1. Semantic Web Fourth Asian Conference ASWC 2009 Shanghai, China, December 2009 Proceedings:Gomez Perez, Asuncion (Ed.),Yu, Yong (Ed.),Ding, Ying (Ed.)
2. World of E-Government:Curtin, Gregory G (Ed.),Sommer, Michael H (Ed.),Vis Sommer, Veronika (Ed.)
3. High Performance Computational Science and Engineering:Ng, Michael K (Ed).,Doncescu, Andrei (Ed).,Yang, Laurence T (Ed).
4. Environmental Information Systems:Gunther, Oliver
5. Semantic Web Information Management A Model Based Perspective:Virgilio, Roberto De (Ed.),Giunchiglia, Fausto (Ed.),Tanca, Letizia (Ed.)
6. Environmental Chemistry:Banerji, Samir K
7. New Trends in Green Chemistry:Ahluwalia, V K,Kidwai, M
8. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry:Khopkar, S M
9. Managing Change and Transition:Harvard Business Review
10. Negotiation:Harvard Business Review
11. Inorganic Chemistry:Sodhi, G S
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
New Arrivals List of Magazines
- Infokairali
- Techvidhya
- E-Gov
- Current Science
- Digit
Monday, February 08, 2010
New Arrival List
- Leadership Insights Fifteen Unique Perspectives on Effective Leadership: Harvard Business Review
Friday, January 29, 2010
Newly Added Videos
1. Data Analysis with Statistics by V.Sundarapandian (Get To Know Seminar)
2. Kaizen Continuous Process Improvement by V.Sundarapandian (Get To Know Seminar)
3. Wireless Broadband Access Opportunities and Challenges by K.C. Raveendranathan (Get To Know Seminar)
4. Effective Interview Skills by V.Sundarapandian (Get To Know Seminar)
5. Programme Management for Social Development by Kannan Srinivasan (Get To Know Seminar)
6. The Opportunities and Challenges in the Upcoming Market of Intelligent Transportation by J.H.Linssen (Get To Know Seminar)
7. Approaches to Conserve our Wild Medicinal Plant Wealth by Saroj Kumar V (Get To Know Seminar)
8. Open Distributed Technology Enhanced Learning Framework by K. R. Srivathsan (Get To Know Seminar)
9. IT Industry Scenario National and State Perspective by Mervin Alexander (Get To Know Seminar)
10.Overview of Software Architecture by Rejeev Divakaran (Get To Know Seminar)
11.Project Management in the Development Sector by Kannan Srinivasan (Get To Know Seminar)
12.TCS Initiatives in e-Governance by Hari Prasad C (Get To Know Seminar)
13.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Introducing Computational Chemistry by M.S. Gopinathan (Workshop)
14.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Computational Chemistry or Biology Chemoinformatics Approaches and their Applications in Modern Drug Discovery by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
15.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Demo on Schrodinger Maestro Software and the Various Modules like Gide, LigPrep etc by Raghu (Workshop)
16.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Demo on Schrodinger Maestro Software and the Various Modules like Gide, LigPrep etc by Raghu (Workshop)
17.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Virtual Library Generation and Searching Chemical Structures by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
18.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Representation of Chemical Compounds by T.K. Manoj kumar (Workshop)
19.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Virtual Screening or Docking of Datasets: Prediction of Binding Modes by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
20.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Virtual Screening or Docking of Datasets: Prediction of Binding Modes by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
21.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Structure Based Drug Design Ligand and Receptor Based Pharmacophore Design; Fragment Based Drug Design by Prince Xavier(Workshop)
22.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Molecular Mechanics Concepts and Applications by T.K. Manojkumar (Workshop)
23.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Lead Optimization and De Novo Design by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
24.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Hands on Session with AutoDock Software by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
25.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery :In silico ADMEor Tox Property Prediction, Quantitative Structureactivity relationship (QSAR), Chemogenomics by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
26.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery In silico ADMEor Tox Property Prediction, Quantitative Structureactivity Relationship (QSAR), Chemogenomics by Prince Xavier (Workshop)
27.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery Basic and Extended Scaffold Translator an Open Source Toolkit for Building Scaffoldpedia for SilicoDrug Design by M Karthikeyan ( Workshop)
28.DruginfoMeet: International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery Research by Prince Xavier ( Workshop)
29.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Molecular Modelling and Docking Studies of Some Drug like Biomolecules by D Velmurugan ( Workshop)
30.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry by M S Gopinathan ( Workshop)
31.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :In sillico Prediction of Compound Promiscuity, Off Targets and Adverse Drug Reactions by Andreas Bender ( Workshop)
32.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Introduction to Molecular Mechanics by T K Manojkumar ( Workshop)
33.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Novel Procedure for Modeling Ligand Receptor Induced Fit by R Raghu ( Workshop)
34.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Novel Approach on Interactive Fragment Growing, Linking, and Merging by Girinath G Pillai ( Workshop)
35.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Applications of Cheminformatics Tools in Drug Discovery by Shashidhar N Rao ( Workshop)
36.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Novel in Sillico Approach for Rapid Epitope Discovery and Development of Malaria (protein subunit) Vaccines by Premnath ( Workshop)
37.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discover :X Ray Single Crystal Diffraction Three Dimensional Structure Determination of Drug like Molecules by D Velmurugan ( Workshop)
38.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Hands on Training on Drug Design Software of Schrodinger by R Raghu ( Workshop)
39.DruginfoMeet:International Conference on Chemoiformatics,Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery :Chemoinformatics and Chemogenomics Data Sources and Approaches by Andreas Bender ( Workshop)
40.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery :Inaugural Function, Basics of Technical Communication by V sundarapandian (Workshop)
41.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Technology in Communication by T K Manojkumar (Workshop)
42.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Technology in Communication by T K Manojkumar (Workshop)
43.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Technical Proposals and Report Writing by T K Manojkumar (Workshop)
44.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Effective Presentation Skills by V sundarapandian (Workshop)
45.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Active Listening by T K Manojkumar (Workshop)
46.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Effective Interview Skills by V sundarapandian (Workshop)
47.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery: Letters E-mails and Memos by T K Manojkumar (Workshop)
48.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery :Interactive Session with Participants Valedictory Function by V sundarapandian (Workshop)
49.National Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Chemoinformatics Approaches in Modern Drug Discovery Research Paper, Dissertation and Thesis by V sundarapandian (Workshop)
Monday, January 25, 2010
New Arrivals List
- Essential Mathematical Biology: Brittion, Nicholas F
- Key Topics in Landscape Ecology: Wu, Jianguo (Ed.)
- Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach: Anderson, Paul v
- Introduction to Information Systems: Leon, Alexis
- Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface: Patterson, David A