Thursday, February 28, 2008
Nagaland University Vice Chancellor Visited IIITM-K Digital Library
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
New Arrival List of E-Books
- Spring in Action 2nd Edition
- SCEA Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide
- Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition
- Solaris Security
- Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems
- Essentials of Programming Languages Second Edition
- New Computational Paradigms Changing Conceptions of What is Computable
- Computer Busses
- Distributed and Parallel Systems From Cluster to Grid Computing
- An Introduction to Cybernetics
- Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications
- Bioinformatics for Dummies 2nd Edition
- Digital Logic Testing and Simulation 2nd Edition
- Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems
- Quantum Computer Science An Introduction
- PDF Hacks
- Inside Linux
- Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers Principles and applications
- Beginning Red Hat Linux 9
- Beginning Linux Programming Third Edition
- Beginning Shell Scripting
- Computer Design and Architecture 3rd Edition
- Metadata in Practice
- Java 2 Certification Training Guide
- Learning Red Hat Linux
- Advances in Security and Payment Methods for Mobile Commerce
- Forensic Computing 2nd Edition
- Biometric Systems Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
- SystemSoftware Reliability
- SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition Java Web Component Developer Certification
- Bioinformatics Technologies
- Understanding and Using Linear Programming
- Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB
- Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications
- Operating Systems Design and Implementation
- Digital Design 3rd Edition
- Embedded Systems Architecture A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers
- Embedded Multitasking
- Embedded Software: The Works
- The Computer Engineering Handbook Second Edition Digital Design and Fabrication
- Digital Systems and Applications
- Exploring C for Microcontrollers A Hands on Approach
- Data Converters
- Embedded System Design on a Shoestring Achieving High Performance with a Limited Budget
- Embedded Systems Handbook
- Principles of Modern Digital Design
- The handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing
- Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low-Power Embedded Processors
- Networks on Chip
- Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing Implementations, Algorithms and Applications
- Embedded Systems Building Blocks, 2nd Edition
- Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications
- Professional Ajax
- Beginning Ajax with PHP From Novice to Professional
- Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax From Novice to Professional
- Ajax Patterns and Best Practices
- Asterisk Hacking
- Google Talking
- Beginning MySQL
- MySQL Enterprise Solutions
- MySQL Cookbook
- MySQL/PHP Database Applications, Second Edition
- MySQL and mSQL
- MySQL: Your Visual Blueprint to Open Source Database Management
- MySQL Bible
- Expert MySQL
- Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
- Understanding MySQL Internals
- SQL for MySQL Developers A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference
- Forecasting Oracle Performance
- Expert one-on-one Oracle
- Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus
- High-Performance Oracle Proven Methods for Achieving Optimum Performance and Availability
- Stealing the Network: How to Own a Shadow
Monday, February 25, 2008
Quotes for the week
"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them"
New Arrivals List Dated 21th February 2008
1. Sun Certified Programmer For Java 5 SCJP Exam Study Guide
Sierra,Kathy (5 Copies)
2. Ten Rules For Strategic Innovators From Idea To Execution
by Govindarajan,Vijay
3. New Mantras In Corporate Corridors From Ancient Roots To Global Routes
by Sharma, Subhash
4. 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C
by Mazidi, Muhammad Ali
5. ARM System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software
by Sloss,Andrew N
6. Accelerated C++ Practical Programming by Example by Koeing,Andrew
7. Corporate Finance Theory and Practice by Damodaran,Aswath
8. Quantitative Analysis-1 by IGNOU
9. Fundamental Concept by IGNOU
10. Electric and Magnetic Phenomena by IGNOU
11. Quantitative Analysis by IGNOU
12. Electric And Magnetic Phenomena by IGNOU
13. Organic Chemistry by IGNOU
14. Electric And Magnetic Phenomena by IGNOU
15. Electric And Magnetic Phenomena by IGNOU
16. Avionics Navigation Systems by Kayton,Myron
17. Implementing Tally 9 by Nadhani,Asok K
18. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing Vol-I by Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
19. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing Vol-II Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
20. We are Like that Only Understanding the Logic of Consumer India by Bijapurkar, Rama
Animated demos of web based information services using Wink Software
In order to facilitate access to digital collection, IIITM-K Digital Library has developed online animated tutorials for various web based information services using Wink Software .
Example :
Tutorial on Library Catalogue
Tutorial on Software Library
About Wink Software
Wink is a tutorial presentation authoring software. It is a freeware for creating animated tutorials and software demonstrations. Wink help you to capture screen shots of your software. It allows to add instructional text and navigational buttons, and export your tutorials to FLASH ,HTML,PDF or stand alone executable files. Wink has multilingual support.Current version is 2.0 (Windows) and 1.5 (Linux)
If you want to create similar tutorials install wink from the following CD ROMs available in the Library
CD No: E19, IT 42,IT 45,J 7
New Arrival List of CDs
- Developer IQ Software Ensebmle-12 -D 62
- TLC2 TEX - 453
- SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5:Exam Study Guide - (454-458)
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue12 February2008 Sabayon - L 96
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue12 February2008 Anti-Spam software - L 97
- PC Quest February 2008,PCQ Xtreme DVD - PC 139
- PC Quest February 2008, PCQ Professional - PC 140
- Chip DVD Vol 5 Isuue 3 February 2008 - C 71
- Chip DVD Vol 5 Isuue 3 February 2008 - C 72
- Developer IQ Software Ensemble-13 - D 63
Thursday, February 21, 2008
List of Newly Added E-Resources
Computer Science
- Computer Architecture and Organisation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Cryptography and Computer Security
- Embedded Systems
- Operating Systems - Linux , Unix , Solaris
- Java Certification - Sun Certified Java Programmer
- Database Management Systems- Oracle, SQL-MySQL
- C,C++,C#, Asp.Net, VB.Net
- Java Programming, JSP, J2EE,J2ME, JavaScript
- Web Designing , HTML, XML, XPath
- Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash , Photoshop
- Networking
- Game Programming
- Python
- Latex
- Ajax
- Ruby
- Perl
- Signal Processing
- Computational Biology
- Geographical Information Systems
- Robotics
- Wireless Communication
- Data Communication
- Optical Communication
- Signals and Systems
- Circuit Design
- RF Technology
- Video and Television Technology
- Signal Processing
- Project Management
- Financial Management
- Marketing Management
- Discrete Mathematics
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Fuzzy Logic
General Books
Access all these resources from Digital Library of E-Books
Newly added e-journals
2.journal of sedimentary research
Monday, February 18, 2008
Quote for the week
----- Sri Satya Sai Baba
Friday, February 15, 2008
E-Patrika Newspaper Portal launched

A unique portal called 'E-Patrika Newapaper Portal'.
Nepali,Telugu,Oriya and Urdu.E-Partrika portal has been incorporated with theOnline Library and Information System (OLIS) of the Institute.
Newly Added E -journals
Subject :Science
Title (1):virology
Subject :Science
Title (1):Asset management
Subject (1):Management
Title (1):Acta Politica
URL (1):
Subject (1):Political science
Title (1):Asian Business Management
URL (1)
Subject (1):Management
Title (1):British Politics
URL (1)
Subject (1):Politics
Title (1):Comparative Economic Studies
URL (1)
Subject (1):economics
Title (1):Comparative European Politics
URL (1)
Subject (1):politics
Title (1):Contemporary Political Theory
URL (1):
Subject (1):Development
Title (1):Crime Prevention and Community Safety
URL (1)
Subject (1):Criminology
Title (1):Development
URL (1)
Subject (1):Political ecology
Title (1):Eastern Economics
URL (1)
Subject (1):economics
Title (1):Economic
Labour Market Review
URL (1)
Subject (1):economics
Title (1): Information Systems-European
URL (1)
Subject (1):Information systems
Title (1):European Management Review
URL (1)
Subject (1):Management
Title (1):European Political Science
URL (1)
Subject (1):Political science
Title (1):Feminist Review
URL (1)
Subject (1):Political science
Title (1):Financial Statistics
URL (1)
Subject (1):Statistics
Title (1):French Politics
URL (1)
Subject (1):politics
Title (1):Health Statistics Quarterly
URL (1)
Subject (1):Statistics
Title (1):Higher Education Policy
URL (1)
Subject (1):Education
Title (1):Information Visualization
URL (1)
Subject (1):ComputerScience
Title (1):International Abstracts in Operations Research / IAOR Online
URL (1)
Subject (1):Management Science
Title (1):Knowledge Management Research and Pratice
URL (1)
Subject (1):Management
Title (1):IMF Staff Papers
URL (1)
Subject (1):Economics
Title (1): Disclosure and Governance
URL (1)
Subject (1):Corporate governance
Title (1):Educational Advancement
URL (1)
Subject (1):Education
Title (1):International Politics
URL (1)
Subject (1):Politics
Title (1):Risk Management
URL (1)
Subject (1):Management
Title (1): Digital asset management
URL (1)
New Arrival List of CDs
- Linux For You Vol 5 issue 06 August - L 90
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue 06 August 2007 -L 91
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue 06 August 2007 - L 92
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue 06 August 2007 -L 93
- Solaris Desktop Edition -442
- Making the Connection:Scaling telecentres for development -449
- Developer IQ December -D 61
- Digit October 2007 -J21
- Digit December 2007 -J 22
- Digit December 2007 -J 23
- Digit December 2007 -J 24
- Digit December 2007 -J 25
- Digit December 2007 -J 26
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue11 January2008 -L 94
- Linux For You Vol 5 Issue11 January2008 -L 95
- VASAT(Virtual Academy for the Semi-Arid Tropics) Learning Modules -450
- Launch Workshop of the Consortium for ICT-mediated KM in Indian Agriculture:Workshop Resources -452
- PC Quest January 2008,PCQ Professional -PC 137
- PC Quest January 2008,PCQ Xtreme DVD -PC 138
IIITM-K Digital Library and Information Service Division Conducted a "Awareness Training on Digital Library and Information Services" for the users of IIITM-K Digital Library in Nila on 24th January 2008 and in Park Center on 4th and 7th February 2008
The seminar mainly focused on giving awareness to the users about the library ,its collection ,What are the services available for the users, and also explained how to Use the Library.The participant (64 ) includes students,staff,Academicians and Project Trainees.Mr.Sainul Abideen.P,Librarian IIITMK was the co-ordinator and the faculty of this Training Programme
Monday, February 11, 2008
Free Map workshop at IIITMK
Agricultural Innovation Project and Free Map jointly organize a three-day
workshop on Free Map during Feb 12th to 14th.
The link for the workshop wiki is
Monday, February 04, 2008
Thought for the week