"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve:fear of failure
-- Paulo coelho"
Monday, December 31, 2007
Quote for the Week
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Quote for the Week
"To live each day as though one's last, never flustered, never apathetic,
never attitudinizing - here is the perfection of character."
-- Marcus Aurelius
Monday, December 17, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Thursday, December 13, 2007
1. http://www.hinduonnet.com/fline/
2. http://www.barc.ernet.in/webpages/
4.Food preservation by irradiation Ranjan Sharma
5.Modern Technology On Food Preservation
6.Advantages and disadvantages of the use of
irradiation for food ...
7.Food Irradiation - Position Statement of
the Health Physics Society
8.Food irradiation � facts and fiction
9.Food Preservation Techniques
Monday, December 10, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Winston Churchill
Monday, December 03, 2007
Quote for the Week
Douglas Adams
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ouote for the week
"Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of
generations and nations.”
-- Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Free Trial Access to EMERALD E-Journals
The URL of the site is http://www.emeraldinsight.com
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Quote for the Week
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us. "
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Three Days National Workshop on Application of GenISISWeb for Web Based Information Services ends:
The workshop was inaugurated by Shri.N.Radhakrishnan Nair, C.E.O, Technopark. Dr.Srivathsan, Director ,IIITMK presided over the Inaugural Session. Shri MK Rajendra Kumar, Registrar, IIITM-K gave felicitation address during the event.
IIITM-K has developed applications Like 'Mudil' Multimedia Digital Library, Software Library, E-journals Gateway Systems, Online News Paper Portal, Web OPACS etc. using GenISISWeb.
Librarians from various organizations actively participated in this three days' practical workshop. Mr Sainul Abideen P, Librarian of the Institute was the Coordinator and faculty of this workshop.
The following organizations participated in this hand-on workshop:
1. Western Regional Instrumentation Centre (WRIC) University of Mumbai
2. Center for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi
3. Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) Adyar,Chennai
4. Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology,Thiruvananthapuram
5. TCS Limited Technopark campus, Trivandrum (2 Delegates)
6. SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Angamaly
7. School of Communication & Management Studies, Cochin (2 delegates)
8. Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) Thiruvananthapuram
9. Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
10. Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies, Kuruvilassery, Thrissur
11. Central Institute of Fisheries Technology(CIFT),Cochin
12. National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli
13. National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Pune
14. Legislative Assembly Library, Thiruvananthapuram
15. Vegitable and Fruits Promotion Council Kerala, Kottarakkara
16. KVM College of Engineering and IT, Cherthala
17. Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd, Chennai
18. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) Library, ThiruvananthapuramPhotographs of precious moments of the Workshop.
Shri. N Radhakrishnan Nair, C.E.O, Technopark inaugurating the Workshop. Dr. KR Srivathsan, Director, IIITM-K and Shri. Rajendrakumar, Registrar, IIITMK is also seen.
Dr. KR Srivathsan, Director, IIITM-K during his Presidential Address
Shri. Rajendra Kumar, Registrar, IIITMK during felicitation address.
Participants listening to the sessions
Dr. KR Srivathsan, delivering valedictory address.
Practical Sessions in Progress
Shri Suresh D Nair, TAFE, Chennai, during Valedictory Session
Shri Akhlaq Ahmed from Centre for Women's Development Studies, New delhi during Valedictory Session
Dr. Jessie Sathyaneshan, Mohandas College of Engineering during the Valedictory Session
Shri N. B. Dahibhate, National Chemical Lab Pune, During the Valedictory Function
It's eating time!!
Dr. KR Srivathsan Distributing Certificate to Shri. Suresh D Nair TAFE, Chennai
Dr. KR Srivathsan Distributing Certificate to Shri N. B. Dahibhate, National Chemical Lab Pune
Dr. KR Srivathsan Distributing Certificate to Shri. Reju Tom Lal, Vegetable and Fruits Promotion Council of Kerala
Monday, October 15, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Mother Teresa
Thursday, October 11, 2007
IIITMK assisted FCRI Digital Library Inaugurated by Union Minister
Union Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Santhosh Mohan Dev inaugurated the Digital Library of the Fluid Control Research Institute (FCRI), at Kanjikode Palakkad.
This digital Library is hosting more than 10 databases with 30,000 e-books, 800 scientific e-journals, 5,000 international standards, 40,000 reprints and about 8,000 special conference proceeding etc. The digital Library was set up using the GenISISWeb software, under the technical consultancy of Mr Sainul Abideen Librarian, IIITM-K.
FCRI Library and Information Centre is headed by Mr Suresh Kumar.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Mohandas Gandhi
Monday, October 01, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Cardinal De Retz
Friday, September 21, 2007
Examples of GenISISWeb based Services offered in IIITM-K

Digital Library of Theses and dissertations, facility to view the Full-text resources online.

Display of search result in Web OPAC, with facility to view the table of contents of the books. and facility to search for journals for the related terms.
- Mu-Dil Multimedia Digital Library with more than 1000 hrs of videos online
- Software Library with more than 10,000 Software product details online
- Web Opac with facility to view Table of contents (wich generally most of the commercial library automation software do not support)
- e-Journals gateway: A single window channel for the users to find out details about all e-journals subscribed and Open Access Journals.
- Digital Library of Online Theses and Dissertations
- Online Catalogue of CDs, and other materials
- Online News paper Portal and more.
Foreign WebOPACS (in different languages)
- 2IE Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement
- ENDA - Environnement et Développement du Tiers-Monde
- REMSIS Centre de Documentation
- EMI - Base de données Généalogie
- CNRS - Ressources des terroirs
- LITAF - Littérature Africaine Francophone
- More powerful interface can be created using genisisweb, sometimes much efficiant than commercial softwares.
- Software freely available from UNESCO and other agencies.
- All services can be accessed using web browsers
- All service can be integrated each other, which facilitate cross database search e.g while searching for books you may find out what are related books, videos, and other items availabe in collection.
- Very useful for those who are familiar with CDS/ISIS or WinISIS. (for others it is very easy to learn!!)
Qu: Is GenISISWEB software freely available?
Qu: We are using CDS/ISIS or WinISIS. Can we create a web based catalogue (OPAC) Using GenISISWeb?
Yes, you can create a powerful WebOPAC using GenisisWeb.
Qu: What are the applications which can be created using GenISISWeb?
You can create Digital Libraries, Web Based catalogue, E-journals gateway system incorporating Open access journals, and many more information services. Anything which we you want to make accessible online and with a online search interface.
Qu: Do IIITMK offer training in GenISISWeb?
Qu: We have different databases in our library which are in Ms ACCESS, EXCEL, CDS/ISIS etc. can I make it available online using GenISISWeb.
Definitely, yes.
Qu: Is some Libraries in India already using this software for digital Library application?
e.g Indian Institute of IT and Management-Kerala
Fliud Control Research Institute, Palakkad, Kerala,
International collective in Support of Fish Workers (ICSF), Chennai
Kerala Legislative Assembly
Loyola College Trivandrum and many more..
Qu: Did you find any advantages on using this?
Yes, we could make all our collections and services online.
Genisisweb Has got flexible interface, it it is up to you to decide how the search interface should look like?
If you want to put the the index of terms to be displayed in search interface or not.
No dependency on software vendors and is a very easy and user friendly tool.
No, investment on software.
Our users can get details of all books, cds, videos, report etc available in the library while searching in the book catalogue i.e complete multi-database integration is possible... and many more.
Qu: Why not many Libraries in India has not yet used GenISISWeb yet?
GenISISWeb was available in French and other version only. recently only the English version made available.which is very powerful of course!
Qu: Our Library have thousands of Project reports and it's soft copy. can I create a digital Library of there resources using GenISISWeb?
Definitely, Yes.
Qu: When is the next training program proposed
during 29-31st October we are Organising a National Workshop.
[ more details will be added soon]
Organised by
Digital Library & Information Services
Date: 29 - 31 October 2007
9.30 AM - 4.30 PM
Venue: IIITM-K, Technopark Campus , Thiruvananthapuram – 695581
About the Workshop
This Workshop focuses on giving a practical orientation to GenISISWeb for creating web based Information Service. Participation is expected from Librarians, LIS Students, Academia and Industry.
To give practical orientation to:
Develop bibliographic database using WinISIS
To publish WinISIS Database over the Web
To develop Digital Libraries using GenISISWeb
To develop Web OPAC using GenISISWeb.
To develop ‘e-Journals Gateway’ using GenISISWeb
To learn data exchange using IsisASCII.
To master development and maintenance of Integrated Online Library Information Systems.
Participants are expected to be proficient in using GenISISWeb after this workshop.
Registration Fee
Rupees 1500/= OnlyParticipants from Industry Rs. 2000/= Only.
Payments to be made via DD in favour of "Director, IIITM-K” payable at Canara Bank , Kazhakkoottam Branch."
Workshop fee covers Lectures, Course material in CD, Working Lunch and Tea. No TA/DA will be given to the participants. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for Accommodation and Travel. Registration form along with the Fee may be sent to the Workshop Coordinator.
No. of Seats
No. of seats are limited to 20 only on first come first served basis. Kindly confirm the availability of seats by email to sainul [AT] iiitmk [DOT] ac [DOT] in before sending the Registration fee.
Last date for registration and payment of fee: 19th October 2007
Workshop will be handled by the Digital Library team of IIITMK headed by Sainul Abideen P, (VLIR Scholar, Belgium) Librarian, IIITM-K, who has developed several Web based Information Systems using GenISISWeb.
Click here for more details and examples of GenISISWeb implementation
For Registration and further details
Sainul Abideen P
Workshop Coordinator & Librarian
Park CentreTechnopark
Karyavattom POPIN 695581
Phone 0471-2527567, 3091334, 2700777 exn 119
Fax: 0471-2527568
Mobile: 9946401830
Email: sainul [AT] iiitmk [DOT] ac [DOT] in
Website: www.iiitmk.ac.in/genisisweb
Newely Added Abstracts of Video Lectures
Multimedia Digital Library Which can be accessed from
Title :IT in health care Speaker :Mr. G.S. Nayar, M.D. Ojus Health Care
Lecture Type :Get To Know Seminar
Abstract :Discusses the application of IT in Medical Field. Compares the modern methods of health care with conventional methods of health care.Discusses the basic problems in health care. Also discusses Medical Transcription System, Hospital-in Patient System, Medical Expert System and the Concept of Tele- Health and Tele-Medicine. Reveals some malpractices in Medical Field and points out the need for Standardization of Medical Service
Date :18-07-2002
Duration :1 Hr 08 Mnts
Title :Software Marketing
Speaker :Mr. Sunil George, Business Consultant Business Development IBS
Lecture Type :Get To Know Seminar
Abstract :Discusses what are Software products and Services and how Marketing is done in Software field? Discuss the Concept of Branding, Branding of a Software Company and the Strategies behind Branding. Discusses the concept of Segmenting and Targeting, different ways of Segmenting,Advertisement of a Software product, reasons for advertising a software product and ways of doing marketing like Sales Network, Sales Branches, etc. Also discusses challenges in Marketing of a Software product and the competition in Marketing Field.
Date :19-12-2002
Duration :1 Hr 20 Mnts
Title :Streaming media for Web Assisted Learnig
Speaker :Mr.Arvind Mohan, IIITM-K
Lecture Type :Get To Know Seminar
Abstract :Discussing Web Assisted Learning and it's Components, advantages of Multimedia in Education, Multimedia Streaming and what are the Solutions available in Multimedia Streaming. Discusses multimedia Assisted Education at IIITM-K, SMIL Engine Modules and Multimedia Distribution Technology. Also discusses advantages of Streaming Technology
Date :01-04- 2004
Duration :1 Hr 07 Mnts
Monday, September 17, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Henry Ford
Thursday, September 13, 2007
New Arrivals List 13 th 2007
1.Privacy What Developers and IT professionals Should Know, by Cannon, J C.
2. Optical Document Security,3 Ed by Van Renesse,Rudolf L ;
3 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications with Combinatorics
and Graph Theory,6 Ed By Rosen,Kenneth H ; [4 copies]
4. Introduction to Computational Biology : Maps Sequences and
Genomes, by Waterman,Michael S ;
5. Red Hat Fedora Core 6 Unleashed
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Video Lecture CDs on Advanced Computer Architecture
Video Lecture CDs on Advanced Computer Architecture by Prof. Anshul
Kumar, IIT Delhi has been added in the Library collection. These lectures are
available in the following 38 sub topics (1 CD each).
CD can be viewed from the Systems kept inside the Library. All are requested to make use of this facility.
1: Introduction
2 : History of Computers
3 : Instruction Set Architecture-1
4 : Instruction Set- Architecture-II
5 : Instruction Set- Architecture-III
6: Recursive Programs
7: Architecture Space
8 : Architecture Examples
9 :Performance
10: Performance (Contd.)
11:Binary Arithmetic, ALU Design
12 : ALU Design, Overflow
13 : Multiplier Design
14 : Divider Design
15: Fast Addition, Multiplication
16 : Floating Point Arithmetic
17: Processor Design- Introduction
18: Processor Design
19 : Processor Design- Simple Design(Contd.)
20 : Processor Design- Multi-cycle Approach
21: Processor Design- Control for Multi-cycle Approach
22: Processor Design- Microprogrammed Control
23 : Processor Design- Exception Handling
24: Pipeline Processor Design
25 : Pipeline Processor Design- Data Path and Control
26 : Pipeline Processor Design- Handling Data Hazards
27 : Pipeline Processor Design- Handling Control Hazards
28 : Memory Hierarchy:Basic Idea
29 : Memory Hierarchy: Cache Organization
30 : Memory Hierarchy: Cache Organization(Contd.)
31 : Memory Hierarchy: Virtual Memory
32 : Memory Hierarchy: Virtual Memory(Contd.)
33 :Input/Output Subsystem: Introduction
34 :Input/Output Subsystem: Interfaces and Buses
35 :Input/Output Subsystem: Interfaces and Buses (Contd.)
36 :Input/Output Subsystem: I/O Operations
37 :Input/Output Subsystem: Designing /C System
38: Concluding Remarks
12th Sept 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Quote for the Week
--Frances de Sales
Friday, September 07, 2007
New Arrivals List Dated 7th Sept 2007
1.Molecular Biology of the Gene,5 Ed by Watson, James D ; Baker, Tania A ; Bell, Stephen P .
2.Discrete Mathematics and its Applications,5 Ed by Rosen, Kenneth H ;
3.Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An Introduction,2 Ed by Ewens, Warren J ; Grant, Gregory R ;
4.Recombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes: A Short Course,3 Ed by Watson, James D ; Myers,Richard M ; Caudy, Amy A .
5.Proceedings of National Conference on Information Technology Present Practices and Challenges, Kumar, Vikas ; Sinha, Anil K ;
6.Performance Management Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines,3 Ed by Armstrong, Michael ;
For More details visit: http://olis.iiitmk.ac.in [internal to IIITMK]
Digital Library Training for Saudi Arabian Officials
two invited lectures on ‘Implementing Digital Libraries’
and ‘e-learning resources on the Web’ on July 6 and 25, 2007 at
SCMS College Cochin, for the Faculty and higher officials of the
General Organization for Technical Education And Vocational
Training (GOTEVOT), Saudi Arabia. These lectures were part of
the international training on ‘implementing e-learning’ organised by
the SCMS College, Cochin. Sri. K.Pradeep Kumar, Sr. Design
Engineer, IIITM-K also gave an invited lecture on ‘e-Learning- An
Overview’ on July 2, 2007 at the same training program.
IIITM-K Librarian in Executive Committee of KLA
elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the
Kerala Library Association (KLA), a leading Professional body in the
information science field.
GenISISWeb Training organised at ICSF, Chennai
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), Chennai for creating Web-based Information dissemination System for Fishworkers. ICSF is an international nongovernmental
organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and
sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector. As part of the training programme complete database of ICSF containing morethan 50,000 resourses were made
available online using GenISISWeb software.
E-Journals Gateway upgraded with Open Access Journals
Open access journals are scholarly journals that are available to the reader without financial or other barrier other than access to the Internet itself. Many organisation are publishing their journals online in Open Access Domain, and many are peer-reviewed.
'Sholar Search' e-journals gateway is a single window interface for accessing electronic journals, which include journals subscribed as bundled packages, individual e-journals subscribed or received as complementary, and Open Access journals. Many libraries face difficulty in managing access to such e-journals received from vareous sources, hence such an interface was created using Free software namely GenISISWeb.
Library provide training and consultancy in developing such e-journals gateways using GenISISWeb for interested libraries. For details contact Librarian at sainul [at] iiitmk [dot] ac [ dot] in

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
New Arrivals List dated 7th May 2007
1 Textbook of Signals and Systems,2 Ed.Parthasarathy, Harish ;
2. Enterprise Resource Planning,Sumner,Mary ;
3. Engineering Mathematics A Project and Problem Based Approach, Parthasarathy, Harish ;
4. E-Governance in India A Reality,Deva,Vasu ;
5. E-Governance A Change Management Tool,Panneervel,P ;
6. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms,Mitchell, Melanie ;
7. Essentials of Programming Languages,2 EdFriedman, Daniel P ; Wand, Mitchell; Haynes, Christopher T .
8. Essentials of Programming Languages,2 EdFriedman, Daniel P ; Wand, Mitchell; Haynes, Christopher T .
9. Essentials of Programming Languages,2 EdFriedman, Daniel P ; Wand,
10. Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages,Pierce, Benjamin C (Ed) ;
11. Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems,2 EdHuth, Michael ; Ryan, Mark ;
12. Control Systems Engineering,4 Ed Nagrath, I.J ; Gopal,M ;
13. Pearson Guide to Objective Physics for IIT JEE, Dudeja, Ravi Raj ;
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
IIITMK hosts World’s First GenISISWeb based Multimedia Digital Library
Institute of Information Technology & Management-Kerala (IIITM-K), has
developed world’s first GenIsisWeb based Multimedia Digital Library namely
‘MuDil’. GenIsisWeb is a free software supported by UNESCO for creating web
based information services. This multimedia Digital Library is having a
collection more than 1000 multimedia lectures of eminent scholars and experts, who have talked at IIITM-K since it’s inception in 2000.
This Multimedia Digital Library was inaugurated by Sri. Rajendra Kumar,
Registrar of IIITM-K, during the recently held workshop on GenIsisWeb, at
IIITM-K. This workshop was organized to give practical orientation to working
Librarians on how to create web based information systems using GenIsisWeb.
Many Librarians from different Universities, colleges and research
institutions attended the workshop, which was inaugurated by Dr K.R
Srivathsan, Director IIITM-K.
Mudil Multimedia Digital Library which is having a good collection of
resources on Technical, Personality development, communication skills, career
development etc. MuDil will be a very good source for the students seeking
career in IT for their preparation for Interview, Group discussions, written
test etc and for working professionals to improve their technical knowledge.
Institute library provide membership to students and professionals to access
the resource from Institute library. Interested people may contact
0471-2527567 exn 119. Sainul [at] iiitmk [dot] ac [dot] in
Monday, April 16, 2007
Two Days Workshop on 'Building Web Based Information Systems Using GenIsisWeb' ends
MuDil (Multimedia Digital Library) was inaugurated by Sri. Rajendra Kumar, Registrar, IIITM-K. MuDil is a classic example of how WinISIS and GenIsisWeb can be used to create Digital Libraries. Mudil is world's first Digital Library of Multemedia using GenISISWeb.
The programme gave practical exposure to the delegates on creating web based OPACS, E-Journals Gateway and Digital Libraries using the Freely available software products such as WinISIS, GenISISWeb etc.
Librarians from various organizations actively participated in this two days' practical workshop. Mr Sainul Abideen P, Librarian of the Institute was the Coordinator and faculty of this workshop.
Photographs of precious moments of the Workshop.
Dr. KR Srivathsan, Director, IIITM-K is inaugurating the Workshop. Sri. Rajendra Kumar, Registrar, IIITMK is also seen.
Sri. Rajendra Kumar, Registrar, IIITMK is inaugurating MuDil: Multimedia Digital Library. Dr. KR Srivathsan, Director and Mr Sainul Abideen P also seen.
Workshop participants with Director Dr.K.R Srivathsan,
Librarian Mr.Sainul Abideen. P and the Digital Library Trainees Mr Gireesh Kumar TK and Ms Nafeessa CK.
Dr.Srivathsan Director, IIITM-K addressing the participants during the Workshop
Dr.Srivathsan Director, IIITM-K during the concluding session of the workshop
Mr.Sainul Abideen P, Librarian , IIITMK speaking during the concluding session of the Workshop. Dr. KR Srivathsan is also seen.
Dr.K.R Srivathsan Director, IIITM-K distributing the certificate to Mr Raju T, Technical Asst, Dept of Economics, University of Kerala
Dr.K.R Srivathsan Director, IIITM-K distributing the certificate to Mr Eldho Joy, Librarian LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum
Dr.K.R Srivathsan Director, IIITM-K distributing the certificate to Mr Harilal, Asst. Librarian, Kerala Legislature Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Free Download 3000 most popular IT books from various sites
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Kerala e-Krishi portal, agri trade call centre launched
Speaking at the launch ceremony in the city on Monday, the Kerala Agriculture Minister, Mr Mullakkara Ratnakaran, said the portal should help to create a sense of community and spirit of unity among farmers in the State.
The absence of proper guidance on global developments that will impact local agricultural operations is a problem that confronts Kerala's farmers. Initiatives such as this could help solve such problems, he added.
The e-Krishi portal, www.e-krishi.org is a free site and contains information on a number of topics related to agriculture including agricultural prices and trends.
Besides the Kerala State IT Mission, other agencies involved in the project are the National Institute of Smart Government, Hyderabad, Kerala Department of Agriculture and Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala.
For more information visit http://www.blonnet.com/2007/03/20/stories/2007032004901100.htm
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
New Arrival List
Monday, March 19, 2007
Quote for the Week
When men are corrupt, laws are broken
--Benjamin Disraeli
Monday, March 12, 2007
Quote for the Week
-Anatole France
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Organised by
Digital Library & Information Services
Date: 11 - 12 April 2007
9.30 AM - 4.30 PM
Venue: IIITM-K, Technopark Campus , Thiruvananthapuram – 695581
About the Workshop
This Workshop focuses on giving a practical orientation to GenISISWeb for creating web based Information Service. Participation is expected from Librarians, LIS Students, Academia and Industry.
To give practical orientation to:
Develop bibliographic database using WinISIS
To publish WinISIS Database over the Web
To develop Digital Libraries using GenISISWeb
To develop Web OPAC using GenISISWeb.
To develop ‘e-Journals Gateway’ using GenISISWeb
To learn data exchange using IsisASCII.
To master development and maintenance of Integrated Online Library Information Systems.
Participants are expected to be proficient in using GenISISWeb after this workshop.
Registration Fee
Rupees 750/= OnlyParticipants from Industry Rs. 1500/= Only.
Payments to be made via DD in favour of “Director, IIITM-K” payable at State Bank of India, Technopark Branch.
Workshop fee covers Lectures, Course material in CD, Working Lunch and Tea. No TA/DA will be given to the participants. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for Accommodation and Travel. Registration form along with the Fee may be sent to the Workshop Coordinator.
No. of Seats
No. of seats are limited to 15 only on first come first served basis. Kindly confirm the availability of seats by email to sainul [AT] iiitmk [DOT] ac [DOT] in before sending the Registration fee.
Workshop will be handled by the Digital Library team of IIITMK headed by Sainul Abideen P, (VLIR Scholar, Belgium) Librarian, IIITM-K, who has developed several Web based Information Systems using GenISISWeb.
For Registration and further details
Sainul Abideen P
Workshop Coordinator & Librarian
Park CentreTechnopark
Karyavattom POPIN 695581
Phone 0471-2527567, 3091334, 2700777 exn 119
Fax: 0471-2527568
Mobile: 09847532170
Email: sainul [AT] iiitmk [DOT] ac [DOT] in
Website: www.iiitmk.ac.in/genisis